Editor: pressSIGN - Five easy Steps to accurate colour
*add the pressSIGN control strip to one of your jobs
*read the control strip with your Eye-One and adjust the densities as recommended by pressSIGN
*read the control strip when dry and update the dry back calculations
*adjust the plate curve as recommended by pressSIGN
*run the next job with the pressSIGN settings and you'll have consistently accurate colour
pressSIGN main window
*predict the correct density to run the CMYK solids based on the press target selected
*export the data to adjust the plate curve to achieve the correct dot gain
* built-in standards include ISO 12647-2, 12647-3, 12647-4, 12647-6, GRACol G7.
* use any CMYK ICC profile as your press target.
* measure the paper white and adjust ICC profile. Export the adjusted profile back to the pre-press workflow for use in proofing and program set-up.
* measure wet or dry - pressSIGN compensates for the colour shift as the ink dries
* measure the color bar across the whole width of the press sheet in seconds with the Eye-One (requires the Eye-One extended ruler)
* generate a colour bar to match the press target you have selected
* receive a detailed pdf report and/or label print output
* traffic light scoring system with Default settings fully user configurable
* make individual readings anywhere on the press sheet for density, dot area, Lab, deltaE comparisons
* Create averaged dot gain curves from multiple readings. Allows two presses to be set up with the same plate queue
* average readings from a job to get an overall score.
* generate your own standards based on previous jobs or typing in your own values.